Saturday, December 1, 2012


I tried adding pictures of my classes from the past month, but have used up all the space on my Google blog. So, I have deleted older posts and added that information onto a new class website, where I have added lesson plans and some pictures. If you are curious, check them out:

Class Website:
Personal Website:

More pictures of projects will be coming soon...


  1. Thanks for the pictures. I really enjoy seeing what you are doing. Will check again later.

  2. Christina~I had the same issue with my blogger account. It must be that the company is trying to free up space and earn some money for us bloggers! I added an extension to my blog as
    They also have a limit for space so eventually I guess I will have to purchase my URL. Hope all is going well! I love your prints. I will have some reduction prints from the SOTA 7th graders soon.
